About Nadi Astrology 2023-05-11T13:37:30
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About Nadi Astrology

Nadi astrology is a form of ancient Indian astrology that originated in the Southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The word "Nadi" means "in search of" in the Tamil language. Nadi astrology is based on the belief that the fate of every individual is determined by their past karmas or actions.

According to Nadi astrology, there are several Nadi leaves that contain the destiny of individuals. These leaves are said to have been written by sages thousands of years ago. The Nadi leaves are classified into different categories, and each category is said to contain the leaves of people who share similar life experiences. The categories are based on the thumb impression of individuals.

To get a Nadi reading, the astrologer takes the thumb impression of the individual and searches for the corresponding Nadi leaf. Once the leaf is found, the astrologer reads out the predictions written on the leaf. The predictions are said to be very accurate and provide detailed insights into an individual's past, present, and future.

Nadi astrology is believed to be a very specific form of astrology that can provide accurate predictions on several aspects of an individual's life, such as career, education, marriage, health, and financial prospects. However, there are also criticisms surrounding Nadi astrology, with many people questioning its authenticity and effectiveness.

Despite the criticisms, Nadi astrology continues to be widely popular in India and is sought after by many individuals looking for an accurate and reliable form of astrology.

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