Few Truths about Nadi Astrology 2023-06-13T01:39:49
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Few Truths about Nadi Astrology

Origin and Availability: Nadi astrology originated in southern India, specifically in Tamil Nadu, and the Nadi leaves are preserved in places like the Saraswati Mahal Library in Tanjore. Some Brahmin astrology communities also possess these leaves. Nadi centers are often located in remote rural areas, making access difficult for common people. However, some leaves are rotated and temporarily taken to cities like Delhi and Mumbai.


Accuracy of Past and Future Predictions: Nadi astrology is believed to provide accurate details about an individual's past, including personal information. However, when it comes to predicting the future, Nadi astrology is considered less accurate. The belief is that complete knowledge of the future is known only to a higher power. The Rishis who wrote on the Nadi leaves provided a broad outline of a person's future and emphasized remedies (Parihar) to offset or minimize potential negative influences.


Finding Your Leaf: Locating an individual's specific leaf is not guaranteed and has an estimated chance of around 10-15% at a particular Nadi center. Due to the vast number of leaves and limited storage capacity, it can be challenging to find a particular leaf at a specific center. However, networks exist among various Nadi centers, increasing the chances of locating a leaf to approximately 70-80%.


It's important for individuals seeking Nadi astrology readings to be aware of these facts and exercise caution when approaching Nadi astrologers. It's advisable to research and consult with reputable practitioners who have positive reviews and experiences. Maintaining a balanced perspective and understanding the limitations of future predictions can help avoid potential frauds or misleading interpretations.







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